So, the stupid page actually decided to load. It was taking forever, so I went to go for a swim, then as I walk back through the room, it had loaded. So I am not swimming. I'm writing this. Duh.
By the way, you may have noticed I have stopped writing my story. I have writer's block. Sounds proffesional huh? No, I'm kidding, I don't. I just can't be bothered at the moment. But you might have noticed that Jake has stopped too, so you can't call me too many bad names.
Oh yeah, It's Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas everyone! To those of you who have Facebook, I will be saying it again tomorrow, with my new laptop. But for the sake of those who don't have Facebook *cough* Jake *cough* I shall say it now.
I have actually forgotten what I was going to talk about in this post. Oh that's right! Work!!! I finally have a job!! And they actually give me shifts now!! It's great. I actually have money. Feels pretty good.
Except that I never know what to do. No-one tells me. And the only people that can actually be bothered talking to me other than Izzy (which I am really grateful for, thank god I know someone - but she works on the registers and can't really help me) are guys. And they really aren't much help. Vampire Guy just tells me to dump stuff in random places, Push-Up guy just -well the name is self explanatory, and Nigel just sort of hangs around.
Wait, there is also Nametag Girl. Called that because I don't know her name. She always stands too far away for me to read her nametag inconspicuously. So really, I'm screwed. But work is fun.
Oh yeah, and get this Sophie, I actually sold a BARBEQUE!!!! From the toy section!! Actually, I was in manchester, which is a whole half store away, but I was dropping something back to toys, and they caught me. But I got away, and sold the BBQ to them!!! I felt so good! I really hope it worked.
Anyway, cos it is getting really hot, I am going to go for the swim I previously mentioned. Hope I didn't bore you all. Byee.
Haha. Congrats Mil.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy that pool, I would swim too but i refuse to swim until my back stops being icky.
And Merry Christmas to you too!!
Merry Christmas, lucky laptop getter. Have fun swimming, I actually went and did that the other day. My family were amazed. Congrats on your BBQ sale, from here you will go on to bigger and better things! Like a WHOLE outdoor setting, even!
ReplyDeleteNow that you have shifts, can you stop obsessing over your phone? Okay? Good.
Oh My God. Millie posted. This is a sign isn't. The world's ending and I haven't done the things I wanted to do, like take over the world, threaten to destroy the world and randomly appear behind people after I saved thier lives and look like a tool. Also I want to find people I can sing songs to that relate to my life. Also the same thing but with quotes.
ReplyDeleteAnyway. I can't believe i got 2 mentions on your blog. I feel special and strangely vulnerable. And insulted by your cough comment.
You have a laptop and a job. I've really got to talk to you more. I think the last time we talked I commented on your make-up. And I wonder why Rhiannon was my first girlfriend. Actually that is a very good point. How did that happen. Anyway seeing as this is turning out to be like an actual blog ppost I'll say bye. Bye.