Wish Upon A Star
Friday, January 1, 2010
And there goes Maddy
Doom (there, happy now?) on my last post mentioned that he didn't know who Fiyero was. I was severely shocked. And after convincing myself that I should not shun him - and cos I had to go to work, and didn't have time - I decided to post. Fiyero is the extremely hot main guy character in Wicked. Of course. And I can't wait to go back and see it again!!! We better be going soon again.
Ok, now that thats said. I can't think of anything else to say again. How bouts I complain about work. And its stupid bitchy customers. I can't come to the campout cos I'm working next week, and I almost couldn't come to Sherlock Holmes. I now probably can, on the trade-off that I get changed in the car. That's gonna be kinda weird. But it means I can come!!! I luv Robert Downey Jr, especially in Iron Man.
Oh yeah, and I finally finished Alien the other day. It wasn't that scary. Just a little gross. Actually, no, there was one scene where I seriously jumped. Let me set the scene: (badly)
The captain was in the air vent trying to set a trap for the alien. He is holding a flamethrower. He is being yelled at by one of the girls over his intercom to run, cos it's chasing him, and it's really dark, the only light from the lit flamethrower. He gets to a cross-section, where he can go left, right, up or down. He goes down. He comes to another one, where he can go left, right or down. It's really shadowy. He goes to go right. The girl yells at him to go the other way, cos it's coming from that direction. he turns to the left passage, the flamethrower lighting his way. But as the shadows disappear in the light, the alien is right there, and it screams at him.
Cue me jumping.
Good movie though. Anyways, I think I smell pizza cooking, so dinner must almost be done. See ya's tommorow, maybe. Bubi, xox Millie
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I think I'm getting high off my conditioner

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I should be swimming
By the way, you may have noticed I have stopped writing my story. I have writer's block. Sounds proffesional huh? No, I'm kidding, I don't. I just can't be bothered at the moment. But you might have noticed that Jake has stopped too, so you can't call me too many bad names.
Oh yeah, It's Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas everyone! To those of you who have Facebook, I will be saying it again tomorrow, with my new laptop. But for the sake of those who don't have Facebook *cough* Jake *cough* I shall say it now.
I have actually forgotten what I was going to talk about in this post. Oh that's right! Work!!! I finally have a job!! And they actually give me shifts now!! It's great. I actually have money. Feels pretty good.
Except that I never know what to do. No-one tells me. And the only people that can actually be bothered talking to me other than Izzy (which I am really grateful for, thank god I know someone - but she works on the registers and can't really help me) are guys. And they really aren't much help. Vampire Guy just tells me to dump stuff in random places, Push-Up guy just -well the name is self explanatory, and Nigel just sort of hangs around.
Wait, there is also Nametag Girl. Called that because I don't know her name. She always stands too far away for me to read her nametag inconspicuously. So really, I'm screwed. But work is fun.
Oh yeah, and get this Sophie, I actually sold a BARBEQUE!!!! From the toy section!! Actually, I was in manchester, which is a whole half store away, but I was dropping something back to toys, and they caught me. But I got away, and sold the BBQ to them!!! I felt so good! I really hope it worked.
Anyway, cos it is getting really hot, I am going to go for the swim I previously mentioned. Hope I didn't bore you all. Byee.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I Dream

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Little Gap in Time
And occasionally I'll put interesting stuff in it. Like quotes from my fave tv shows and stuff. But mostly it'll just be so I can take up the time between now and six 0' clock. Tick tock tick tock. It's not really going very fast. I'm still writing chapter 6, for those of you who think I'm neglecting my story. I am writing it, I promise. I'm just getting writer's block. I know you could probably say that only professionals get that, but I get my own miniature version of it.
Soo. Reasons I write in a blog.
- I'm bored
- I'm feeling really irritated and complaining-gy
- I need to talk to someone and no-one's there to tell stuff so I write it down
- I want to use the different font types and bullet points the service has available
- I feel the need to write, but there's nothing TO write
- I actually have something funny to say
So, I spent the afternoon hosing down the neighbour's cat. Just Kidding ^^. I wouldn't do that. He's too fast for me.
I feel seriously blegh. Not sick or anything. I just don't feel excited about school tomorrow. Not while all the Yr 11's are away or in the hall doing tests. It's so boring. Hmm, I'm saying that a lot. I'll stop complaining now and focus on the good things.
Zone is in a week!!! Yay, that is going to be so fun! I'm really nervous though. I keep imagining I'm gonna stuff up. Like, I keep having these dreams (and I always have had these dreams) that I really need to run. But my muscles feel so weak. You know that feeling when you get out of bed, and you can't scrunch up your hand, cause your muscles are asleep. Yeah, that. Actually, as I'm writing this, I'm getting that feeling. It makes me feel super helpless. And annoying.
Also, it's Shuvvy's birthday in 6 days!! And although she definately won't be reading this, I want to wish her an awesome time! Though I probably will see her then anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Anyway, it's almost 6, and time for me to continue typing up my story.
And before you can say Chk-Chk Boom, I'm gone!
xoxo Millie