Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Gap in Time

Soo, I got bored with only writing my story, and opened up a new blog. This one. (gasp shock horror) And I don't care if no-one reads it. It's just going to be my little gap in time (as title says - duh), my place to go when I really should be doing homework.

And occasionally I'll put interesting stuff in it. Like quotes from my fave tv shows and stuff. But mostly it'll just be so I can take up the time between now and six 0' clock. Tick tock tick tock. It's not really going very fast. I'm still writing chapter 6, for those of you who think I'm neglecting my story. I am writing it, I promise. I'm just getting writer's block. I know you could probably say that only professionals get that, but I get my own miniature version of it.

Soo. Reasons I write in a blog.
  1. I'm bored
  2. I'm feeling really irritated and complaining-gy
  3. I need to talk to someone and no-one's there to tell stuff so I write it down
  4. I want to use the different font types and bullet points the service has available
  5. I feel the need to write, but there's nothing TO write
  6. I actually have something funny to say

So, I spent the afternoon hosing down the neighbour's cat. Just Kidding ^^. I wouldn't do that. He's too fast for me.

I feel seriously blegh. Not sick or anything. I just don't feel excited about school tomorrow. Not while all the Yr 11's are away or in the hall doing tests. It's so boring. Hmm, I'm saying that a lot. I'll stop complaining now and focus on the good things.

Zone is in a week!!! Yay, that is going to be so fun! I'm really nervous though. I keep imagining I'm gonna stuff up. Like, I keep having these dreams (and I always have had these dreams) that I really need to run. But my muscles feel so weak. You know that feeling when you get out of bed, and you can't scrunch up your hand, cause your muscles are asleep. Yeah, that. Actually, as I'm writing this, I'm getting that feeling. It makes me feel super helpless. And annoying.

Also, it's Shuvvy's birthday in 6 days!! And although she definately won't be reading this, I want to wish her an awesome time! Though I probably will see her then anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Anyway, it's almost 6, and time for me to continue typing up my story.

And before you can say Chk-Chk Boom, I'm gone!

xoxo Millie


  1. Ok. I just found this blog.

    Haha. Your on crack. Well more than normal.

  2. Well, well, well after the strange comment I recieved on my blog I thought it necessary to write on yours.
    I like your philosophy: Write on your blog instead of doing homework.
    Very cool.
