Hello again to those who actually read this. Not that I blame you if you don't.. I'm probably really boring. However, there is one advantage to coming to this page. The turtles. I love them! They are really cute. I am going to call them both Speedy. Because I can't tell them apart. Except that when they go on land they are really slow. So when they go on land I am going to call them both Slow-Poke. There you go.

There we go! I got it.. Disclaimer, they do not belong to me (sadly). Anyway, apparently he (or it could be a she, no-one knows who he is, andhe keeps it that way, so he doesn't get in trouble for his art) gets stencils all worked out, then gets to the place, hurries in, sprays the painting on the wall, then hurries out. I don't think one man could do all that (one woman however...), so I think it must be a group of people... And does anyone know what 'Anti-Climb Paint' is?
Anyway, to the title of the post. You know, I think, sadly it's the name of a TV show or something... sad. Actually I came up with it, when I was thinking of dreams I've been having. They're normally about school, and everything actually seems pretty normal. In the ones I can remember anyway. But I've been having dreams every night for months actually. And I remember bits and pieces then forget them later... that's how I know I've been having them. But I never used to dream... which is what I wanna know.. Of those of you that read this, do you dream regularly? Is it only recent or have you always dreamt? Did you used to dream and now you don't? Is anyone even reading this post? 42 or violence? (only Soph, Em, Jen, and select few others will get that...)
Anyway, so I've droned about Banksy, and my strange dreams, and the turtles for long enough. No-one is probably still reading this, and so, I take my leave. xoxo peeps, bubi from Millie.